Brother Hinckley was a relative of President Gordon B. Hinckley. He was a stake president for 27 years and president of the California Mission before being called as an apostle on October 11, 1934. He was a practical man, sound in his thinking, patient and kindly, very persuasive in speech and full of faith. He only served four years as an apostle before passing away. Before his death his daughter, Afton was with him in his home in Salt Lake City. His other family was gone and there was a indescribably sweet peaceful feeling in the home. Elder Hinckley invited his daughter into his room saying, 'Come in, I have had a wonderful afternoon. Three heavenly messengers dressed in the robes of the Holy Priesthood have been my visitors.' He spoke of the visitors as having the robes of the Holy Priesthood and that they taught him a hymn. Also shortly before his death he had gone to Southern California hoping that he could recover and fulfil his mission as an apostle in a way satisfactory to himself. In this mood his father, Ira N. Hinckley (he had been dead more than 30 years) appeared to him telling him that he had far more work than he could accomplish and needed his assistance on the other side. Brother Hinckley explained to his father that he wanted to stay and accomplish his work here. The father appeared two other times telling him that he would have to have his help. (The Faith of Our Pioneer Fathers, Bryant S. Hinckley, pgs. 229-239) |